2023年 2月 14日


作者 gong2022


51. Directions:

The students union of your university has assigned you to inform the international students about

an upcoming singing contest. White a notice in about 100 words.

Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not use your own name in the notice. (10 points)



2)小作文落款:students union





December 21,2019

Attention please!A wonderful singing contest will be held in the hall that is located in our university.

The relevant information as follows. Firstly,this singing competition aims at both helping students in our university find the melody of music and improving the sense of teamwork. What is more, participants are all international students and teachers in the department of music respectively. Last but not least,this intense contest will be held in the music hall at eight o’clock p.m. on next Monday.

If you are interested in this contest and your time is available,please take part in us! We are looking forward your participation.

Student Union



第一段:单纯描述左右两幅图片,体现两幅图的对比。① 左图细节:一个女孩子在做功课;女孩子说:“尽早完成才放心。”;女孩子的笔记本上有字。② 右图细节:一个男孩子在沙发上歇着;男孩子说:“不到最后不动手”;男孩子的笔记本是空的。

第二段:论证“积极采取行动”这一品质对我们人生发展的重要性,建议采用因果+对比论证或举例+对比论证的方法。因果+对比论证(范文采用这种论证方式)写作思路:① 积极采取行动→早些做完工作→有时间慢慢检查→工作做得好;② 拖延→草草做完工作→没有时间检查→工作做得不好。举例+对比论证写作思路:① 中国办奥运会,早早建场馆,场馆建得好;② 巴西办奥运会,一直拖着,场馆建得不好

第三段:建议大家积极采取行动。① 如果大家应该积极采取行动,别拖着;② 建议媒体鼓励大家积极采取行动,别拖着。


As is vividly portrayed in the set of cartoons, the drawing on the left depicts a girl keeping her pen moving and saying, “My heart will rest after I finish my work”. It could be surmised that she has worked for a long time because her notebook is not empty. In contrast, the drawing on the right describes that a boy is resting on a sofa, saying, “I would not take actions until the very last minute.”

Obviously, the author of these pictures aims to praise the girl and criticize the boy. It must be admitted that taking actions is less comfortable than resting. In effect, however, taking actions early benefits us and delaying always makes things worse. If we start finishing our assignments early, we may finish it early and have much extra time to check it carefully and checking, doubtlessly, means perfecting. However, if we have formed the habit of delaying, and become accustomed to submit our assignments a minute before the deadline, we are likely to have little time to check our work so that there will be a large number of mistakes in our work.

All in all, we are supposed to form a habit of taking actions early, which is inevitably good for us. Moreover, the mass media shoulder the responsibility of encouraging people, especially college students, to take actions early.